Building gRPC services with bazel and rules_protobuf
gRPC makes it easier to build high-performance microservices by providing generated service entrypoints in a variety of different languages. Bazel complements these efforts with a capable and fast polyglot build environment.
rules_protobuf extends bazel and makes it easier develop gRPC services.
It does this by:
- Building
(the protocol buffer compiler) and all the necessaryprotoc-gen-*
plugins. - Building the protobuf and gRPC libraries required for gRPC-related code to compile.
- Abstracting away
plugin invocation (you don’t have to necessarily learn or remember how to callprotoc
). - Regenerating and recompiling outputs when protobuf source files change.
In this post I’ll provide background about how bazel works (Part 1) and how to get started building gRPC services with rules_protobuf (Part 2). If you’re already a bazel aficionado, you can skip directly to Part 2.
To best follow along, install bazel and clone the rules_protobuf repository:
git clone
cd rules_protobuf
Great. Let’s get started!
1: About Bazel
Bazel is Google’s open-source version of their internal build tool called “Blaze”. Blaze originated from the challenges of managing a large monorepo with code written in a variety of languages. Blaze was the inspiration for other capable and fast build tools including Pants and Buck. Bazel is conceptually simple but there are some core concepts & terminology to understand:
Bazel command: a function that does some type of work when called from the command line. Common ones include
bazel build
(compile a libary),bazel run
(run a binary executable),bazel test
(execute tests), andbazel query
(tell me something about the build dependency graph). See all withbazel help
.Build phases: the three stages (loading, analysis, and execution) that bazel goes through when calling a bazel command.
The WORKSPACE file: a required file that defines the project root. It is primarily used to declare external dependencies (external workspaces).
BUILD files: the presence of a
file in a directory defines it as a package.BUILD
files contain rules that define targets which can be selected using the target pattern syntax. Rules are written in a python-like language called skylark. Syklark has stronger deterministic guarantees than python but is intentionally minimal, excluding language features such as recursion, classes, and lambdas.
1.1: Package Structure
To illustrate these concepts, let’s look at the package structure of
rules_protobuf examples subdirectory.
Let’s look at the file tree, showing only those folder having a
tree -P 'BUILD|WORKSPACE' -I 'third_party|bzl' examples/
└── examples
├── helloworld
│ ├── cpp
│ │ └── BUILD
│ ├── go
│ │ ├── client
│ │ │ └── BUILD
│ │ ├── greeter_test
│ │ │ └── BUILD
│ │ └── server
│ │ └── BUILD
│ ├── grpc_gateway
│ │ └── BUILD
│ ├── java
│ │ └── org
│ │ └── pubref
│ │ └── rules_protobuf
│ │ └── examples
│ │ └── helloworld
│ │ ├── client
│ │ │ └── BUILD
│ │ └── server
│ │ └── BUILD
│ └── proto
│ └── BUILD
└── proto
1.2: Targets
To get a list of targets within the examples/
folder, use a query.
This says “Ok bazel, show me all the callable targets in all packages
within the examples folder, and say what kind of thing it is in
addition to its path label”:
~/rules_protobuf$ bazel query //examples/... --output label_kind | sort | column -t
cc_binary rule //examples/helloworld/cpp:client
cc_binary rule //examples/helloworld/cpp:server
cc_library rule //examples/helloworld/cpp:clientlib
cc_library rule //examples/helloworld/proto:cpp
cc_library rule //examples/proto:cpp
cc_proto_compile rule //examples/helloworld/proto:cpp.pb
cc_proto_compile rule //examples/proto:cpp.pb
cc_test rule //examples/helloworld/cpp:test
filegroup rule //examples/helloworld/proto:protos
filegroup rule //examples/proto:protos
go_binary rule //examples/helloworld/go/client:client
go_binary rule //examples/helloworld/go/server:server
go_library rule //examples/helloworld/go/server:greeter
go_library rule //examples/helloworld/grpc_gateway:gateway
go_library rule //examples/helloworld/proto:go
go_library rule //examples/proto:go_default_library
go_proto_compile rule //examples/helloworld/proto:go.pb
go_proto_compile rule //examples/proto:go_default_library.pb
go_test rule //examples/helloworld/go/greeter_test:greeter_test
go_test rule //examples/helloworld/grpc_gateway:greeter_test
grpc_gateway_proto_compile rule //examples/helloworld/grpc_gateway:gateway.pb
java_binary rule //examples/helloworld/java/org/pubref/rules_protobuf/examples/helloworld/client:netty
java_binary rule //examples/helloworld/java/org/pubref/rules_protobuf/examples/helloworld/server:netty
java_library rule //examples/helloworld/java/org/pubref/rules_protobuf/examples/helloworld/client:client
java_library rule //examples/helloworld/java/org/pubref/rules_protobuf/examples/helloworld/server:server
java_library rule //examples/helloworld/proto:java
java_library rule //examples/proto:java
java_proto_compile rule //examples/helloworld/proto:java.pb
java_proto_compile rule //examples/proto:java.pb
js_proto_compile rule //examples/helloworld/proto:js
js_proto_compile rule //examples/proto:js
py_proto_compile rule //examples/helloworld/proto:py.pb
ruby_proto_compile rule //examples/proto:rb.pb
We’re not limited to targets in our own workspace. As it turns out, the Google Protobuf repo is named as an external repository (more on this later) and we can also address targets in that workspace in the same way. Here’s a partial list:
~/rules_protobuf$ bazel query @com_github_google_protobuf//... --output label_kind | sort | column -t
cc_binary rule @com_github_google_protobuf//:protoc
cc_library rule @com_github_google_protobuf//:protobuf
cc_library rule @com_github_google_protobuf//:protobuf_lite
cc_library rule @com_github_google_protobuf//:protoc_lib
cc_library rule @com_github_google_protobuf//util/python:python_headers
filegroup rule @com_github_google_protobuf//:well_known_protos
java_library rule @com_github_google_protobuf//:protobuf_java
objc_library rule @com_github_google_protobuf//:protobuf_objc
py_library rule @com_github_google_protobuf//:protobuf_python
This is possible because the protobuf team provides a BUILD file at the root of their repository. Thanks Protobuf team! Later we’ll learn how to “inject” our own BUILD files into repositories that don’t already have one.
Inspecting the list above, we see a cc_binary
rule named protoc
If we bazel run
that target, bazel will clone the protobuf repo,
build all the dependent libraries, build a pristine executable binary
from source, and call it (pass command line arguments to binary rules
after the double-dash):
~/rules_protobuf$ bazel run @com_github_google_protobuf//:protoc -- --help
Usage: /private/var/tmp/_bazel_pcj/63330772b4917b139280caef8bb81867/execroot/rules_protobuf/bazel-out/local-fastbuild/bin/external/com_github_google_protobuf/protoc [OPTION] PROTO_FILES
Parse PROTO_FILES and generate output based on the options given:
-IPATH, --proto_path=PATH Specify the directory in which to search for
imports. May be specified multiple times;
directories will be searched in order. If not
given, the current working directory is used.
--version Show version info and exit.
-h, --help Show this text and exit.
As we’ll see in a moment, we name the protobuf external dependency with a specific commit ID so there’s no ambiguity about which protoc version we’re using. In this way you can vendor in tools with your project with reliable, repeable, secure precision without bloating your repository by checking in binaries, resorting to git submodules, or similar hacks. Very clean!
Note: the gRPC repository also has a BUILD file:
$ bazel query @com_github_grpc_grpc//... --output label_kind
1.3: Target Pattern Syntax
With those examples under our belt, let’s examine the target syntax a bit more. When I first started working with bazel I found the target-pattern syntax somewhat intimidating. It’s actually not too bad. Here’s a closer look:
The The The The A common source of confusion is that the mere presence of a
BUILD file defines that filesystem subtree as a package and
therefore one must always account for that. For example, if there
exists a file Common shortcut: if there exists a rule having the same name as the
package, this is the implied target and can be omitted. For example,
there is a Many large organizations check-in in all the required tools,
compilers, linkers, etc to guarantee correct, repeatable builds. With
external workspaces, one can effectively accomplish the same thing
without bloating your repository. Note: the bazel convention is to use a fully-namespaced identifier
for external dependency names (replacing special chars with
underscore). For example, the remote repository URL is This is simplified to the
workspace identifier com_github_google_protobuf. Similarly, by
convention the jar artifact These rules assume that the remote resource or URL contains a
WORKSPACE file at the top of the file tree and BUILD files that define
rule targets. These are referred to as bazel repositories. git_repository:
external bazel dependency from a git repository. The rule requires
an external zip or tar.gz dependency from a URL. It is highly
recommended to name a sha265 for security. Note: although you don’t interact directly with the bazel
execution_root, you can peek at what these external dependencies
look like when unpacked at The implementation of these repository rules contain logic to
autogenerate a WORKSPACE file and BUILD file(s) to make resources
available. As always, it is recommended to provide a known sha265 for
security to prevent a malicious agent from slipping in tainted code
via a compromised network. http_jar:
external jar from a URL. The jar file is available as a
external jar from a URL. The jar file is available as a
external file from a URL. The resource is available as a For example, we can peek at the generated BUILD file for the
Note: the external workspace directory won’t exist until you
actually need it, so you’ll have to have built a target that
requires it, such as If a repository has no BUILD file(s), you can put one into its
filesystem root to adapt the external resource into bazel’s worldview
and make those resources available to your project. For example, consider
Mark Adler’s zlib library. To start,
let’s learn what depends on this code. This query says “Ok bazel,
for all targets in examples, find all dependencies (a transitive
closure set), then tell me which ones depend on the zlib target in the
root package of the external workspace com_github_madler_zlib.” Bazel
reports this reverse dependency set. We request the output in
graphviz format and pipe this to dot to generate the figure: So we can see that all grpc-related C code ultimately depends on this
library. But, there is no BUILD file in Mark’s repo… where did it
come from? By using the variant workspace rule This You can also
write your own repository rules
that have custom logic to pull resources from the net and bind it
into bazel’s view of the universe. When presented with a command and a target-pattern, bazel goes through
the following three phases: Loading: Read the WORKSPACE and required BUILD files. Generate a
dependency graph. Analysis: for all nodes in the graph, which nodes are actually
required for this build? Do we have all the necessary
resources available? Execution: execute each required node in the dependency graph and
generate outputs. Hopefully you now have enough conceptual knowledge of bazel to be
productive. rules_protobuf is an
extension to bazel that takes care of: Building the protocol buffer compiler Downloading and/or building all the necessary protoc-gen plugins. Downloading and/or building all the necessary gRPC-related support
libraries. Invoking protoc for you (on demand), smoothing out the
idiosyncracies of different protoc plugins. It works by passing one or more The various So let’s make something already! We’ll use bazel and rules_protobuf
to build a gRPC application. The application will involve communication between two
different gRPC services: The Greeter service: This is the familiar “Hello World” starter
example that accepts a request with a The GreeterTimer service: This gRPC service will repeatedly
call a Greeter service in batches and report back aggregate batch
times (in milliseconds). In this way we can compare some average
rpc times for the different Greeter service implementations. This is an informal benchmark intended only for demonstration of
building gRPC applications. For more formal performance testing,
consult the
gRPC performance dashboard. For the demo, we’ll use 6 different compiled programs written in 4
languages: A A Four GreeterTimer accepts a unary The non-streaming The This demo application can be cloned at Here’s the directory layout and relevant BUILD files we’ll be using: We’ll begin by creating the WORKSPACE file with a
reference to the rules_protobuf repository. We load the main
entrypoint skylark file
in the Refer to the
repositories.bzl file,
if you are interested in inspecting the dependencies. Bazel won’t actually fetch something unless we actually need it by
some other rule later, so let’s go ahead and write some code. We’ll
store our protocol buffer sources in Note: go development within a bazel workspace is a little different
than vanilla go. In particular, one does not have to adhere to a
typical The Java server’s
main job is to accept requests and then connect to the requested
Greeter service as a client. The implementation counts down the
number of remaining messages and does a blocking The Go client
prepares a In our The go client implementation depends on the Here’s what happens when we invoke bazel to actually build the client
binary: Bazel checks to see if the inputs (files) that the binary depends
on have changed (by content hash and filestamps). Bazel recognizes
that the output files for the Bazel checks to see if all the necessary inputs (including tools)
for the Fetch the Build the Invoke Confirm that all the declared outputs of the Compile the generated The The The Finally, we name the compile-time and run-time dependencies for the
executable jar. If these jar files have not yet been downloaded from
maven central, they will be fetch as soon as we need them: This last form (having the extra First, we’ll start a greeter server (one at a time): In a separate terminal, start the greetertimer server: Finally, in a third terminal, invoke the greetertimer client: The informal analysis demonstrated comparable timings for c++, go, and
java greeter service implementations. The c++ server had the overall
fastest and most consistent performance. The go implementation was
also very consistent, but slightly slower than C++. Java demonstrated
some initial relative slowness likely due to the JVM warming up but
soon converged on timings similar to the C++ implementation. C# has
consistent performance but marginally slower. Bazel assists in the construction of gRPC applications by providing a
capable build environment for services built in a multitude of
languages. rules_protobuf complements bazel by packaging up all the
dependencies needed and abstracting away the need to call protoc
directly. In this workflow one does not need to check in the generated source code
(it is always generated on-demand within your workspace). For
projects that do require this, one can use the Finally, rules_protobuf has full support for the
grpc-gateway project
via the
grpc_gateway_binary rules, so you can easily bridge your gRPC apps with HTTP/1.1 gateways. Refer to the complete list of supported languages and gRPC versions for more information. And… that’s a wrap. Happy procedure calling! Paul Johnston is the principal at PubRef
(@pub_ref), a solutions provider for
scientific communications workflows. If you have an organizational
need for assistance with Bazel, gRPC, or related technologies,
please contact Thanks!@
(at-sign) selects an external workspace. These are
established by
workspace rules
that bind a name to something fetched over the network (or your
(double-slash) selects the workspace root.:
(colon) selects a target (rule or file) within a package.
Recall that a package is established by the presence of a BUILD
file in a subfolder of the workspace./
(single-slash) selects a folder within a workspace or
in foo/bar/baz/
and there exists a BUILD
file in baz/
also, the file is selected with foo/bar/baz:qux.js
and not foo/bar/baz/quz.js
target in the //jar
package in the external
workspace com_google_guava_guava
, so the following are eqivalent:deps = ["@com_google_guava_guava//jar:jar"]
deps = ["@com_google_guava_guava//jar"]
1.4: External Dependencies: Workspace Rules
becomes io_grpc_grpc_netty
.1.4.1: Workspace Rules that require a pre-existing WORKSPACE
(or tag
).$(bazel info execution_root)/external/WORKSPACE_NAME
.1.4.2: Workspace Rules that autogenerate a WORKSPACE file for you
dependency as @WORKSPACE_NAME//jar
dependency as @WORKSPACE_NAME//jar
guava dependency via:~/rules_protobuf$ cat $(bazel info execution_root)/external/com_google_guava_guava/jar/BUILD
# DO NOT EDIT: automatically generated BUILD file for maven_jar rule com_google_guava_guava
name = 'jar',
jars = ['guava-19.0.jar'],
visibility = ['//visibility:public']
name = 'file',
srcs = ['guava-19.0.jar'],
visibility = ['//visibility:public']
bazel build examples/helloworld/java/org/pubref/rules_protobuf/examples/helloworld/client
1.4.3: Workspace Rules that accept a BUILD file as an argument
~/rules_protobuf$ bazel query "rdeps(deps(//examples/...), @com_github_madler_zlib//:zlib)" \
--output graph | dot -Tpng -O
, we can
provide our
own BUILD file
(which defines the cc_library
target) as follows:new_git_repository(
name = "com_github_madler_zlib",
remote = "",
tag: "v1.2.8",
build_file: "//bzl:build_file/com_github_madler_zlib.BUILD",
family of workspace rules keeps your repository lean and
allows you to vendor in pretty much any type of network-available
resource. Awesome!1.5: Bazel Summary
1.6: rules_protobuf
specifications to the
rule. A proto_language
rule contains the metadata
about how to invoke the plugin and the predicted file outputs, while
the proto_compile
rule interprets a proto_language
spec and builds
the appropriate command-line arguments to protoc
. For example,
here’s how we can generate outputs for multiple languages
simultaneously: proto_compile(
name = "pluriproto",
protos = [":protos"],
langs = [
verbose = 1,
with_grpc = True,
bazel build :pluriproto
# ************************************************************
cd $(bazel info execution_root) && bazel-out/host/bin/external/com_github_google_protobuf/protoc \
--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc-java=bazel-out/host/genfiles/third_party/protoc_gen_grpc_java/protoc_gen_grpc_java \
--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=bazel-out/host/bin/external/com_github_grpc_grpc/grpc_cpp_plugin \
--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc-nano=bazel-out/host/genfiles/third_party/protoc_gen_grpc_java/protoc_gen_grpc_java \
--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc-csharp=bazel-out/host/genfiles/external/nuget_grpc_tools/protoc-gen-grpc-csharp \
--plugin=protoc-gen-go=bazel-out/host/bin/external/com_github_golang_protobuf/protoc_gen_go \
--descriptor_set_out=bazel-genfiles/examples/proto/pluriproto.descriptor_set \
--ruby_out=bazel-genfiles \
--python_out=bazel-genfiles \
--cpp_out=bazel-genfiles \
--grpc_out=bazel-genfiles \
--objc_out=bazel-genfiles \
--csharp_out=bazel-genfiles/examples/proto \
--java_out=bazel-genfiles/examples/proto/pluriproto_java.jar \
--javanano_out=ignore_services=true:bazel-genfiles/examples/proto/pluriproto_nano.jar \
--js_out=import_style=closure,error_on_name_conflict,binary,library=examples/proto/pluriproto:bazel-genfiles \
--js_out=import_style=commonjs,error_on_name_conflict,binary:bazel-genfiles \
--go_out=plugins=grpc,Mexamples/proto/ \
--grpc-java_out=bazel-genfiles/examples/proto/pluriproto_java.jar \
--grpc-nano_out=ignore_services=true:bazel-genfiles/examples/proto/pluriproto_nano.jar \
--grpc-csharp_out=bazel-genfiles/examples/proto \
--proto_path=. \
# ************************************************************
rules (that we’ll be using below)
internally invoke this proto_compile
rule, then consume the
generated outputs and compile them with the requisite libraries into
, .so
, .a
(or whatever) objects.2: Building a gRPC service with rules_protobuf
2.1: Services
argument and replies
back with the string Hello {user}
.2.2: Compiled Programs
client (go). This command-line interface requires
the greetertimer.proto
service definition defined locally in the
server (java). This netty-based server requires
both the //proto/greetertimer.proto
file and the proto definition
defined externally in
server implementations (C++, java, go, and C#).
rules_protobuf already provides these example implementations, so
we’ll just use them directly.2.3: Protobuf Definitions
and streams back a
sequence of BatchReponse
until all messages have been processed, at
which point the remote procedure call is complete.service GreeterTimer {
// Unary request followed by multiple streamed responses.
// Response granularity will be set by the request batch size.
rpc timeHello(TimerRequest) returns (stream BatchResponse);
includes metadata about where to contact the Greeter
service, how many total RPC calls to make, and how frequent to stream
back a BatchResponse (configured via the batch size).message TimerRequest {
// the host where the grpc server is running
string host = 1;
// The port of the grpc server
int32 port = 2;
// The total number of hellos
int32 total = 3;
// The number of hellos before sending a BatchResponse.
int32 batchSize = 4;
reports the number of calls made in the batch, how
long the batch run took, and the number of remaining calls.message BatchResponse {
// The number of checks that are remaining, calculated relative to
// totalChecks in the request.
int32 remaining = 1;
// The number of checks actually performed in this batch.
int32 batchCount = 2;
// The number of checks that failed.
int32 errCount = 3;
// The total time spent, expressed as a number of milliseconds per
// request batch size (total time spent performing batchSize number
// of health checks).
int64 batchTimeMillis = 4;
service takes a unary HelloRequest
responds with a single HelloReply
:service Greeter {
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
common.Config config = 2;
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
message type is not particularly functional here
but serves to demonstrate the use of imports. rules_protobuf can
help with more complex setups having multiple proto → proto
dependencies.2.4: Build the grpc_greetertimer example application.
2.4.1: Create the Project Layout
mkdir grpc_greetertimer && cd grpc_greetertimer
~/grpc_greetertimer$ mkdir -p proto/ go/ java/org/pubref/grpc/greetertimer/
~/grpc_greetertimer$ touch WORKSPACE
~/grpc_greetertimer$ touch proto/BUILD
~/grpc_greetertimer$ touch proto/greetertimer.proto
~/grpc_greetertimer$ touch go/BUILD
~/grpc_greetertimer$ touch go/main.go
~/grpc_greetertimer$ touch java/org/pubref/grpc/greetertimer/BUILD
~/grpc_greetertimer$ touch java/org/pubref/grpc/greetertimer/
2.4.2: The WORKSPACE
package and call its protobuf_repositories
with the languages to we want to use (in this case java
and go
We also load rules_go for go
compile support (not shown).# File //:WORKSPACE
workspace(name = "org_pubref_grpc_greetertimer")
name = "org_pubref_rules_protobuf",
remote = "",
tag = "v0.6.0",
# Load language-specific dependencies
load("@org_pubref_rules_protobuf//java:rules.bzl", "java_proto_repositories")
load("@org_pubref_rules_protobuf//go:rules.bzl", "go_proto_repositories")
, our java sources in
, and go source in //go
layout having a src/
, pkg/
, bin/
subdirectories.2.4.3: The GreeterTimer Server
for each one. If the batchSize limit is met, the
message is invoked, streaming back a
response to the client./* File //java/org/pubref/grpc/ */
while (remaining-- > 0) {
if (batchCount++ == batchSize) {
BatchResponse response = BatchResponse.newBuilder()
.setName("#" + remaining)
2.4.4: The GreeterTimer Client
and gets back a stream interface from the
method. We call its Recv()
method until EOF, at
which point the call is complete. A summary of each BatchResponse is
simply printed out to the terminal.// File: //go:main.go
func submit(client greeterTimer.GreeterTimerClient, request *greeterTimer.TimerRequest) error {
stream, err := client.TimeHello(context.Background(), request)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("could not submit request: %v", err)
for {
batchResponse, err := stream.Recv()
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error during batch recv: %v", err)
return err
2.4.5: Generate the go protobuf+gRPC code
file, we have a go_proto_library
rule loaded
from the rules_protobuf repository. Internally, the rule declares to
bazel that it is responsible for creating greetertimer.pb.go
file. This rule won’t actually do anything unless we depend on it
somewhere else.# File: //proto:BUILD
load("@org_pubref_rules_protobuf//go:rules.bzl", "go_proto_library")
name = "go_default_library",
protos = [
with_grpc = True,
source file provider to the go_binary
rule. We also pass in some
compile-time dependencies named in the
list.load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary")
load("@org_pubref_rules_protobuf//go:rules.bzl", "GRPC_COMPILE_DEPS")
name = "hello_client",
srcs = [
deps = [
~/grpc_greetertimer$ bazel build //go:client
have not
been built.go_proto_library
are available. If not, download and
build all the necessary tools. Then, invoke the
repository and build protoc
source (via a cc_binary rule).protoc-gen-go
plugin from source (via a go_binary
with the protoc-gen-go
plugin with the
appropriate options and arguments.go_proto_library
where actually built (should be in bazel-bin/proto/greetertimer.pb.go
with the client
file, creating the bazel-bin/go/client
executable.2.4.6: Generate the java protobuf libraries
rule is functionally identical to the
rule. However, instead of providing a *.pb.go
file, it bundles up all the generated outputs into a *.srcjar
(which is then used as an input to the java_library
rule). This an
implementation detail of the java rule. Here is how we build the
final java binary:java_binary(
name = "server",
main_class = "org.pubref.grpc.greetertimer.GreeterTimerServer",
srcs = [
deps = [
runtime_deps = [
is a locally defined java_proto_library
an external java_proto_library
rule that generates the greeter service
client stub in our own workspace.~/grpc_greetertimer$ bazel build java/org/pubref/grpc/greetertimer:server
~/grpc_greetertimer$ bazel build java/org/pubref/grpc/greetertimer:server_deploy.jar
) is called an implicit
target of the :server
rule. When invoked this way, bazel will pack
up all the required classes and generate a standalone executable jar
that can be run independently in a jvm.2.4.7: Run it!
~/grpc_greetertimer$ cd ~/rules_protobuf
~/rules_protobuf$ bazel run examples/helloworld/go/server
~/rules_protobuf$ bazel run examples/helloworld/cpp/server
~/rules_protobuf$ bazel run examples/helloworld/java/org/pubref/rules_protobuf/examples/helloworld/server:netty
~/rules_protobuf$ bazel run examples/helloworld/csharp/GreeterServer
INFO: Server started, listening on 50051
~/grpc_greetertimer$ bazel build //java/org/pubref/grpc/greetertimer:server_deploy.jar
~/grpc_greetertimer$ java -jar bazel-bin/java/org/pubref/grpc/greetertimer/server_deploy.jar
# Timings for the java server
~/rules_protobuf$ bazel run examples/helloworld/java/org/pubref/rules_protobuf/examples/helloworld/server:netty
~/grpc_greeterclient$ bazel run //go:client -- -total_size 10000 -batch_size 1000
17:31:04 1001 hellos (0 errs, 8999 remaining): 1.7 hellos/ms or ~590µs per hello
# ... plus a few runs to warm up the jvm...
17:31:13 1001 hellos (0 errs, 8999 remaining): 6.7 hellos/ms or ~149µs per hello
17:31:13 1001 hellos (0 errs, 7998 remaining): 9.0 hellos/ms or ~111µs per hello
17:31:13 1001 hellos (0 errs, 6997 remaining): 8.9 hellos/ms or ~112µs per hello
17:31:13 1001 hellos (0 errs, 5996 remaining): 9.2 hellos/ms or ~109µs per hello
17:31:13 1001 hellos (0 errs, 4995 remaining): 9.4 hellos/ms or ~106µs per hello
17:31:13 1001 hellos (0 errs, 3994 remaining): 9.0 hellos/ms or ~111µs per hello
17:31:13 1001 hellos (0 errs, 2993 remaining): 9.4 hellos/ms or ~107µs per hello
17:31:13 1001 hellos (0 errs, 1992 remaining): 9.4 hellos/ms or ~107µs per hello
17:31:13 1001 hellos (0 errs, 991 remaining): 9.1 hellos/ms or ~110µs per hello
17:31:14 991 hellos (0 errs, -1 remaining): 9.0 hellos/ms or ~111µs per hello```
# Timings for the go server
~/rules_protobuf$ bazel run examples/helloworld/go/server
~/grpc_greeterclient$ bazel run //go:client -- -total_size 10000 -batch_size 1000
17:32:33 1001 hellos (0 errs, 8999 remaining): 7.5 hellos/ms or ~134µs per hello
17:32:33 1001 hellos (0 errs, 7998 remaining): 7.9 hellos/ms or ~127µs per hello
17:32:34 1001 hellos (0 errs, 6997 remaining): 7.8 hellos/ms or ~128µs per hello
17:32:34 1001 hellos (0 errs, 5996 remaining): 7.7 hellos/ms or ~130µs per hello
17:32:34 1001 hellos (0 errs, 4995 remaining): 7.9 hellos/ms or ~126µs per hello
17:32:34 1001 hellos (0 errs, 3994 remaining): 8.0 hellos/ms or ~125µs per hello
17:32:34 1001 hellos (0 errs, 2993 remaining): 7.6 hellos/ms or ~132µs per hello
17:32:34 1001 hellos (0 errs, 1992 remaining): 7.9 hellos/ms or ~126µs per hello
17:32:34 1001 hellos (0 errs, 991 remaining): 7.9 hellos/ms or ~127µs per hello
17:32:34 991 hellos (0 errs, -1 remaining): 7.8 hellos/ms or ~128µs per hello
# Timings for the C++ server
~/rules_protobuf$ bazel run examples/helloworld/cpp:server
~/grpc_greeterclient$ bazel run //go:client -- -total_size 10000 -batch_size 1000
17:33:10 1001 hellos (0 errs, 8999 remaining): 9.1 hellos/ms or ~110µs per hello
17:33:10 1001 hellos (0 errs, 7998 remaining): 9.0 hellos/ms or ~111µs per hello
17:33:10 1001 hellos (0 errs, 6997 remaining): 9.1 hellos/ms or ~110µs per hello
17:33:10 1001 hellos (0 errs, 5996 remaining): 8.6 hellos/ms or ~116µs per hello
17:33:10 1001 hellos (0 errs, 4995 remaining): 9.0 hellos/ms or ~111µs per hello
17:33:10 1001 hellos (0 errs, 3994 remaining): 9.0 hellos/ms or ~111µs per hello
17:33:10 1001 hellos (0 errs, 2993 remaining): 9.1 hellos/ms or ~110µs per hello
17:33:10 1001 hellos (0 errs, 1992 remaining): 9.0 hellos/ms or ~111µs per hello
17:33:10 1001 hellos (0 errs, 991 remaining): 9.0 hellos/ms or ~111µs per hello
17:33:11 991 hellos (0 errs, -1 remaining): 9.0 hellos/ms or ~111µs per hello
# Timings for the C# server
~/rules_protobuf$ bazel run examples/helloworld/csharp/GreeterServer
~/grpc_greeterclient$ bazel run //go:client -- -total_size 10000 -batch_size 1000
17:34:37 1001 hellos (0 errs, 8999 remaining): 6.0 hellos/ms or ~166µs per hello
17:34:37 1001 hellos (0 errs, 7998 remaining): 6.7 hellos/ms or ~150µs per hello
17:34:37 1001 hellos (0 errs, 6997 remaining): 6.8 hellos/ms or ~148µs per hello
17:34:37 1001 hellos (0 errs, 5996 remaining): 6.8 hellos/ms or ~147µs per hello
17:34:37 1001 hellos (0 errs, 4995 remaining): 6.7 hellos/ms or ~150µs per hello
17:34:38 1001 hellos (0 errs, 3994 remaining): 6.7 hellos/ms or ~150µs per hello
17:34:38 1001 hellos (0 errs, 2993 remaining): 6.7 hellos/ms or ~149µs per hello
17:34:38 1001 hellos (0 errs, 1992 remaining): 6.7 hellos/ms or ~149µs per hello
17:34:38 1001 hellos (0 errs, 991 remaining): 6.8 hellos/ms or ~148µs per hello
17:34:38 991 hellos (0 errs, -1 remaining): 6.8 hellos/ms or ~147µs per hello
2.5: Summary
option to place the generated
files alongside the protobuf definitions.