
Explains the debugging process of gRPC applications using grpcdebug


Explains the debugging process of gRPC applications using grpcdebug


grpcdebug is a command line tool within the gRPC ecosystem designed to assist developers in debugging and troubleshooting gRPC services. grpcdebug fetches the internal states of the gRPC library from the application via gRPC protocol and provides a human-friendly UX to browse them. Currently, it supports Channelz/Health Checking/CSDS (aka. admin services). In other words, it can fetch statistics about how many RPCs have being sent or failed on a given gRPC channel, it can inspect address resolution results, it can dump the active xDS configuration that directs the routing of RPCs.

Language examples

C++C++ Example
GoGo ExampleGo test server implementing admin services from grpcdebug docs
JavaJava Example
